PDP Review Team

Are you working on a PDP for your technology education license renewal? The individuals below have volunteered to serve as PDP review team members for Wisconsin Technology and Engineering educators.  Contact them individually to verify their availability.

Phillip Bickelhaupt, Wisconsin Rapids Sch Dist ~ phillip.bickelhaupt@wrps.net

Joseph Ciontea, WTEA ~ joe.ciontea@wtea-wis.org

Jesse Domer, Watertown HS ~ domerj@watertown.k12.wi.us

Tom Martin, CESA #3 ~ tmartin@cesa3.k12.wi.us

Sylvia Tiala, UW Stout ~ tialas@uwstout.edu

Jeff Thielke, Germantown Sch Dist ~ jthielke@germantown.k12.wi.us


To add your name to this list contact the WTEA webmaster or the Executive Director.