The Wisconsin Technology Education Association’s awards program promotes program excellence by recognizing classroom educators, school programs, administrators, and businesses for delivering and promoting quality Technology and Engineering programs to students in Wisconsin.
Click to see a historical listing of all previous WTEA award recipients.
Description of WTEA Awards
*25 Year Award
This award is used to recognize *educators who dedicated 25 or more years of their professional career of providing technology education curriculum to students.
Special Recognition Award
“For Contributions and Service to Technology Education”
This award is presented to business & industry professionals, school administrators, and educators from other subject areas in recognition of their service to technology education at the local, regional, or state level. This award is also given to retiring members of the WTEA Board in recognition of their service to the association.
Leadership Award
This award is presented to individuals who have demonstrated a commitment of their time and service to our association. It is presented when they leave the WTEA Board of Directors.
*Inspire Award
Spirit Award
” For Service to Technology Educators”
This award is presented to educators for their service to our profession both in and out of the classroom. Recipients of this award are selected by the Award committee.
“For Fostering Future Technology Educators“
The WTEA Inspire Award is presented annually to recognize members who have had students who followed in their footsteps and made the career decision to become a Technology & Engineering Teacher.
*Award of Excellence
“For Exemplary Achievement in Technology Education”
The WTEA Award of Excellence is awarded annually to recognize individual technology educators who are dedicated to providing quality programs in technology education to students at the local level.
*Middle School Program of the Year
“Outstanding Middle School Technology Education Program”
This award provides recognition to a *middle (or junior high) school which delivers an outstanding program that provides students with an introduction to the areas and concepts of technology and engineering. The school’s name will appear on the award. It is only given to one school annually. The committee can choose to award this to multiple middle schools from the same school district if they are delivering comparable programs. The award will not be given if there are no suitable nominations. (Past Award Videos)
*High School Program of the Year
“Outstanding High School Technology Education Program”
This award provides recognition to a *high school that delivers an outstanding program which provides students with rigorous training and skill development in the areas and concepts of technology and engineering. The school’s name will appear on the award. It is only given to one school annually. The committee can choose to award this to multiple high schools from the same school district if they are delivering comparable programs. The award will not be given if there are no suitable nominations. (Past Award Videos)
Video from the 2024 High School Program of the Year
*Technology Educator of the Year
“For Outstanding Contributions to Technology Education”
The Technology Educator of the Year Award recognizes a *technology educator who has provided outstanding contributions to technology education. Recipients of this award typically operate or provide leadership in an innovative, exemplary, or emerging program and promote the development of technology education in the community, region, state and/or nation. (Past Award Videos)
Video from the 2024 Technology Educator of the Year
*Lifetime Achievement Award
“For Distinguished Achievement & Leadership in Technology Education”
This award recognizes a WTEA member who has gained prominence in technology education; made a major and sustained impact on technology education at the local and state level; advanced the profession through a sustained and recognized record of exemplary activity and/or improved instruction directly or indirectly. This is the most prestigious award given by the WTEA. It is not given annually, it is only given upon the nomination of appropriate candidates.
*Award nominees must be a current member of the WTEA.
The WTEA awards committee will accept nominations from members, building principals, LVEC’s, and district administrators. Nomination instructions are published in the WTEA journal, Interface. Click here to submit a nomination online. All nominations must be submitted by November 15th to allow nominees adequate time to complete their award portfolio
The awards committee will contact nominees and collect the necessary data upon receipt of nominations.