How do I find out when my membership expires?
Check the mailing label on the back of your copy of the Interface Journal. The first line will always show the date that your membership expires.
How do I get more involved in the WTEA?
Contact any member of the WTEA Board of Directors they will tell you how to: present at the conference, host a regional meeting after school, run for an elected office, or join a committee.
I joined the WTEA at the spring conference, why did my membership expire already?
The WTEA membership year is like a school year; it runs from Sept. 1st through Aug. 31st. Renew your membership each spring (after the conference) and you will always covered for the following year.
What is my WTEA membership ID number?
Your member ID number is on the mailing label of your Interface Journal. You can also send an email request to the WTEA Executive Director, and he can verify your membership ID number and expiration date.
I’ve been teaching for 30 years why haven’t I been presented with the 25 Year Award?
The WTEA is a membership organization, we give awards to our members. Our award recipients are selected in Jan. If you renew (or join) when you register and submit your paperwork after Jan. 1st you may not show up as a member when we identify 25 year candidates. Our registration forms ask you to indicate how many years you have been teaching, that is the information we use to to identify when you pass the 25 year mark. Many people leave that space blank….