WI Awesome

The Wisconsin Awesome files are stored in a series of Google Drive Folders (see link below) that teachers can view and copy from.

Link to TEE WI Awesome Google Drive Folders

Teachers may drop their own content into the “Drop Box” folders of each content area as well to share, and someone will move it around into the appropriate folders.

REMEMBER to help everyone out – “take something, leave something” is a good philosophy.

DISCLAIMER: The MATT group and WTEA Association are only sharing content that is shared from other teachers. This should ONLY be teacher made content, not canned curriculum content like STEM101 or PLTW, etc. as that would be copyright infringement. If WTEA notices copyrighted materials in the folders, they will be deleted immediately upon notice.

NEED to CONTACT someone about these folders?

Ned Lease – Oregon School District – nelease@oregonsd.net

Jesse Domer – Watertown School District – DomerJ@watertown.k12.wi.us

Joe Ciontea –  WTEA Executive Director