Be A Presenter 2025 56th Annual WTEA Spring Conference Primary Presenter Information In submitting a presentation below, you are applying to present at the WTEA Conference (March 5-7, 2025) at Chula Vista Resort in Wisconsin Dells. 1. This form must be filled out completely and accurately. Please provide the required information as succinctly as possible. The program committee will contact you if additional information is needed. 2. The individual submitting this form will be the primary contact. Co-presenters will be listed in the conference program, but all correspondence will be sent to the primary address (email) provided on this form. The primary presenter is responsible for forwarding information to any co-presenters. 3. It is the applicant's responsibility to inform the Program Committee Chair of any changes to contact information. If your contact information is correct, you will be notified later in January of 2025 as to the status of your application. 4. Applicants not meeting the guidelines as to number of words in either the Title or the Program Description may have their material edited to meet the guidelines. 5. Presentations encouraging the purchase of specific books, materials, equipment, or services are not accepted. 6. AV equipment is NOT provided. A projection surface or screen will be in each meeting room. Any additional audiovisual equipment must be brought in by the presenter. 7. We ask that all presenters and co-presenters be fully pre-registered for the conference. 8. Presentations at the WTEA Conference may be filmed, posted on the WTEA website, or printed. This form serves as a release for distribution. APPLICATION TO PRESENT By submitting my information below, I accept the requirements and conditions(above) under Guidelines for Submitting Proposals pertaining to membership and preregistration. I accept the requirements and conditions(above) under Guidelines for Submitting Proposals pertaining to membership and preregistration. (check this box - required) (check this box - required) Your First Name (required) Your Last Name (required) Your Email (required) Position School/Agency Mailing Address City State Zip Code Home Phone Work Phone Mobile Phone Presentation Title (8 words or less - required) Program Description (As it should appear in the conference program, 100 WORDS OR FEWER. - required) Co-Presenter Information If you are co-presenting, please list the names of each co-presenter: Co-Presenter's 1 First Name Co-Presenter's 1 Last Name Co-Presenter's 1 Position Co-Presenter's 1 Email (required) Co-Presenter's 2 First Name Co-Presenter's 2 Last Name Co-Presenter's 2 Position Co-Presenter's 2 Email (required) Co-Presenter's 3 First Name Co-Presenter's 3 Last Name Co-Presenter's 3 Position Co-Presenter's 3 Email (required) Intended Audience Statement of Understanding:(Please read, then mark the appropriate box and indicate today’s date.) **PLEASE NOTE: Accepted presentations will be scheduled approximately a 45 minute time slot. Successful applicants will be notified regarding the Day/ Time/ Room Number/ Room of their presentations in late January 2025. The WTEA does not provide honorariums or cover travel, registration fees, conference expenses, etc. Presenters are responsible for bringing their AV equipment, computers, and handout materials. By submitting this application, permission is given to include this presentation as part of WTEA media. Sessions should not promote a specific vendor, product or service. All forms need to be submitted by December 1, 2024. I have read the above statement and agree to its terms:(check this box - required)